It's Ahmad Aiman's BIRTHDAY~!

He's my 'twin'. Except we're 8yrs apart! Hehe.. Mmg mase kecik tingin nk adek, n nk adek pompuan. Tp bile mak ckp dpt adek laki, aku redha je laa. 😂 Aku still jage, syg, layan die dgn baek. *for the 1st 6yrs only..! 😁*  Lps tu kitorg stat gado. Tah ape sbbnye, kitorg mmg x leh b'jmpe. Kompem gado, x kesah laa sape stat dlu. But when time goes by, I start to feel it's enuff fighting. I'm tired actually. Coz I'm older than him n if I still fight with him, it makes me just like him. Childish. At that period of time of coz. 😜 But now, we become best friends. We oftenly share our thoughts. And secrets. 🙊 Also spend time together. I'm comfortable telling him anything *when I say anything, I do mean ANYTHING*, coz I know, it will only be between us, n no one else will know. Even our family. *smpai mak sume pelik kitorg baek smpai tahap mcm ni. 😋*. Even he's 8yrs younger than me, TRUST me. His thinking is NOT like teenagers nowadays. Sometimes his thinking is more matured than mine. I can count on him on MOST everything. So that's why I'm comfortable talking or sharing anything with him. He's a wise man. *weiii.. Aku puji ko giler babs ni!! 😝*

Ape2 pon, ko tetap adek aku, Gemok. Hehe.. I luv u so much lil brotha..~! *unfortunately, you're NOT that lil 😅*



May Allah bless you.

Jadi anak n adek yg baek yer. 😉

Hadiah nnt aku pikirkan bln dpn. Hakhak..


atiynfasya said…
Luahan hati seorg akak...hewhew

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