Coolangatta Airport a.k.a. Gold Coast Airport |
Assalamu'alaikum. Hey ya'll! WASSUP?! It's been a long time since I last updated my blog. Well, ya know me, very the lazy 1 to update the blog. Heheh.. Ok. Actually I've been wanting to update my blog since after I got back from Gold Coast, Australia. BUT.... but..... I'm waiting for the pics from my niece first before I update it. Well, after 2 MONTHS OF WAITING, finally my niece gave me the pics. Huh..~! Tired of waiting only. ;p Well, now let's just forget about the waiting-for-pics part. Now let's talk a bit about our "family" vacation thingy. You must be asking why I put "" on family..? Well, it's because not all of my family go to Australia too. Only my bro's family, my lil bro, and me. So around 9 people who go there. Including 1 baby and 1 child, and who wants to go there, need to save their own money. So I do save and use my own money just to go there. *Well, not really ALL of it. I do borrow some from my sis n mom (^_~)* Ok. Actually I wanna tell ya all about my supposedly 5-days-4-nights-that-become-4-days-3-nights vacation. Wanna know why it becomes 4 days only? We depart from LCCT Airport on Monday, 14th March 2011 at night. It took around 8hrs to arrive at Coolangatta Airport a.k.a Gold Coast Airport. So, we arrived the next morning, Tuesday, 15th March at Gold Coast, and we missed the first day because of night flight from KL. And actually, the 4th day was not like 4th too. It was like 3rd and a 1/2 day, because our back-to-KL flight was on Friday morning, 18th March. *ehem ehem!* So we only have 3 FULL DAYS to enjoy ourselves there. And TRUST ME. WE DO USE THOSE 3 DAYS TO THE FULLEST! =D The day we arrived, after we check-in into the apartment we live in, called Islander Resort Hotel at Surfers Paradise, my bro and his wife went and find a tourist shop where they can buy tickets for us to go to any cool places. Well, it's a combo and it depends how many places you choose to go. And they choose 3, which are Sea World, Movie World, and Wet 'n Wild. But we didn't go to Wet 'n Wild, we choose to go to Paradise Country to meet with the animal of Australia, Kangaroo and Koala Bear. YEAY! *and of course it's a different price* (^_^) The best part of this combo tickets is, you only paid for around AUS$100++ *not sure the real price*, and you're not only can go to Sea World, Movie World, and Wet 'n Wild, but you also can go there more than once in a day and it's valid for 3 MONTHS!!!! Don't trust me? I still have the tickets ya know as a proof. ;p We bought it on 15th March 2011, and it expires on 30th June 2011!!!! I still can go there and enter either Sea World, Movie World, or Wet 'n Wild like............... NOW!!! :)) Hahahaha.. But unfortunately, I don't have A LOT of money to go there again. And I'm working too. So, it's a no-no. =) I think I don't need to tell ya the details of our vacation. Because it will took me 10 pages to write about it. MUAHAHAHAHAH! So, I'll leave ya with some pics OK? And it won't be all of the pics of course. I'll only show ya 1 pic of each places that we went. HAVE FUN! (~_^)
The Apartment we live in @Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast. |
Day 1: First place we went to. SEA WORLD! |
The first car we rent. I drive this car. |
The second car we rent My bro drive this car. |
This place were inside the Movie World. |
Day 2: MOVIE WORLD! You can say it was like a smaller version of Disney World. ;) |
We found it at the parking lot @Movie World! So proud of it! (^_^) |
But they didn't call it Saga like us. *Not so proud of it* And it's a rental car. And I also found Gen 2 on the road. |
Day 3: Let's meet with the animals @PARADISE COUNTRY! |
Kangaroos!!! YEAY! At last I touched it! (^_~) |
And Koala too!!! I also had the chance too hold it like my niece do. But the pic is not here. =D | | |
Heheh.. Here you'll meet the "Believe It or Not" things. SOOO many things that is out of our mind to think. |
Seriously, the sea was sooooo calm..! There's no litter, the water was damn clean too. Even the sand was DAMN clean ya know. So you won't see a dirty-color of water. |
DAMN..~ The sand was soooooo SOFT! SEE!! My feet will sink into the sand each time the water flows if I don't move! (@_@) *psst! I even able to bring home some of the sands that are went into my lil bro's pants while he swims there. SHHHHHH!!! ;p* |
So guys, I think that's all! If ya wanna see more, please feel free to view it at my Facebook. Didn't have my Facebook? Well, SEARCH FOR IT! :))