WhY U DiD ThiS To Me??

i SHOULDN'T wish ur burfday yesterday.. coz i KNOW u still have feelings towards me.. i know i shouldn't wish u when u still love me.. but i thought it would be rude if i don't wish u coz u DID wish me 8 days earlier.. i thought with those words dat i gave u, u'll understand dat i want u to STOP loving me.. to STOP have feelings towards me.. to STOP having hopes for me.. dat i want u to keep moving on with ur life.. try to find other gurls even though i know it's hard for u to do dat.. but u have to.. coz i can't accept u anymore even though u'r a nice guy.. even though u'r d only guy dat i know who can accept my behaviour n attitude.. :-<

aku x sgke lps aku wish tu ko akan meleret smpai ke mende len.. n lg yg aku x sgke ko akan kol aku.. aku x tau laa itu "alasan" or cara ko tuk dpt ckp ngan aku.. it's just not working.. ur way makes me sad, moody, n crying yesterday.. i dunno why i felt dat way.. but it just did.. DAMN!! i hate to felt dat way.. i just hate it.. coz pe yg ko wat tu wat aku t'pk blk prasaan aku kt ko.. wat aku t'pk blk same ade aku still syg ko ke x.. tp aku s'boley2 nye nk buang prasaan tu jauh2.. sbb aku tau aku dh x leh lyn ko mcm dlu kalo aku trime ko blk.. even ko sggup trime aku even aku ckp kite dh x leh cm dlu.. tp aku tkut ko akan lg t'sekse.. sblm ptus pn ko dh ckup t'sekse.. pe tah lg kalo aku trime ko blk.. aku tkut 2-2 t'sekse nnt.. so biarlh kite truskn mcm ni je.. no more heart feelings..

mase aku ptus ngan ko, ade yg sgke aku ptus ngan ko sbb aku ade org len.. hmm.. sape laa yg nk kt aku nih.. kwn laki pn xde.. aku bkn cm ko.. rmai je pompuan yg nk kt ko.. tggl ko pilih je mane yg ko nk.. ko ade rmai kwn n knlan pompuan.. aku xde.. laki pn cm tkut n xmo je kwn ngan aku.. cmne laa aku nk ade org len.. kalo aku ade suke kt sape2 pn lom tentu org tu leh trime aku cm ko trime aku.. sbb aku tau diri aku ni cmne.. x sume laki leh trime diri aku yg sbnr.. aku blkg laki aku len.. dpn laki aku len.. kalo x f2f, aku tnjuk prangai biase n control aku.. kalo b'jmpe n jd diri sbnr, laki akan nmpk aku len.. dats why aku x mgkin ade org len dlm idop aku sbb aku tkut org tu x leh trime diri aku yg sbnr..

hmm.. dh laa.. aku dh xde mud dh nk truskn.. idea pn dh ilang..
thanx 4 being my special 1 for more than 3 years..
i'll keep all da memories dat i can still remember..
thanx again n dats all..


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